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Welcome to my blog! I’m just a mom, trying to navigate through the streets of life, and pass that information along to you. Feel free to peruse my posts, and if you don’t see something you’re looking for, email me! I’m always looking for new projects to try, and posts to write.
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10 Celebrities Who Back Solar Energy—Our Solar Superstars
Sustainability and green energy isn’t just for fringe activists—many people, including A-list Hollywood stars, are choosing to make the switch to renewable energy. One big incentive has been Edward Norton’s Solar Neighbors program. Every time a celebrity buys solar panels for their home, BP Solar installs solar arrays on the house of a low-income family […]

Mama, You Can Afford A 10 Minute Nightly Beauty Routine For Yourself
Your skin is the biggest organ on your body! It’s important to take time to take care of it and you. Not to mention, it just feels good. Come on, mama. You need to spend some time on yourself. I know it’s hard. As soon as you shut the bathroom door there are little fists […]
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